In Tyrolean Roulette, the goal is to get the highest possible number of points by turning the spinning top on the game disc and thus win the game. The game instructions only explain which points are counted twice and which points you have to subtract.Tyrolean roulette consists of a game disc, a spinning top and 6 balls, each with a blue ball and a red ball. These are particularly important according to the game instructions.
Place the balls in the middle of the game disc. Then a certain number of points is agreed which is to be achieved. Alternatively, you can also set a number of rounds and add up the points achieved to determine the winner.
Play according to the instructions
To play Tyrolean Roulette according to the game instructions, let the youngest player start. This takes the spinning top and places it in the middle of the game disc.
Then this is rotated. This rotation pushes the balls into the individual holes. There are different points at these holes.
According to the game instructions of Tyrolean Roulette, the white balls should be calculated easily, the number of red balls is doubled and the number of blue balls is subtracted.
Balls that fall off the game disc must not be used again and are not counted. When a player has pushed all the balls into the holes, they are given the opportunity to turn the top again.
In the end, the number of points is determined by adding up and subtracting the points and the next player turns the top. The winner is whoever reached the agreed number of points first, or who has the highest number of points at the end of the agreed rounds.